Former Police Dog Cries After Reuniting With Handler She Hasn't Seen For Years

2 years ago

After a long vacation when leaving your dog have you ever felt the joy, and emotions of your dog after he or she came home from a "doggy hotel"? This one is one such emotional, heartfelt reunion for this 8 year old German Shepherd, Wangwang; a retired "sniffer" police dog in Henan province, central China.

A retired police dog broke down when she was reunited with her old handler. Wangwang worked as a sniffer dog at security checkpoints in Xichuan county in Henan province, central China.

Adoption is always an emotional affair, and this is no different. After Wangwang retired in June 2019, she and her handler were separated after being partners for years.

Watch, and try to hold back your tears for this surprise visit and impromptu reunion. Watch as Wangwang runs excitedly to his arms. The memory of their life together overwhelms her as she lets out a cry and a tear!

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