12.31.21 - Happy New Year

3 years ago

It's hard to think how 2021 might have ended had we not fought for the victories we achieved. Not all was a success but, nevertheless we still stand. 2022 brings opportunity to really start turning this thing around but, we need more effort than last year. If we succeed, we can take a breath and plan for 2024. If we fail...I fear the worst.

Our goal? Republican asses in the seats of polling places. As many as we can. 100 seats in the House. 70 seats in the Senate. Will we achieve this? Maybe not but, if we aim for it and fall short, we will still hold an outstanding majority.

On the other front, we need precinct committeeman/delegates to get seats in the RNC to help weed out the feckless, weak, slow-walking RINOs. Go to this site to learn more.

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