3 years ago

I went over all of the available data I could get my hands on, assessed the risks, and then made my decision based on my findings. When any of my fellow brothers and sisters ask me if I think they should get it I encourage them to do the same thing that I did. I’m not here to tell anyone what to do or to impose my will onto others. I respect liberty enough not to judge someone for how they choose to exercise their freedom. Whether or not you are vaccinated will never effect our friendship because I know what it means to be a friend. In fact the question will never come up because, to be frank, the question never came up before so why would I ask it now? If my choice means that there are places I cannot travel or businesses I cannot patronize, then I won’t travel to those places and I won’t shop or eat at those businesses. It’s that simple. Anyone who is truly my friend would never insult me or ostracize me or wish for me not to be able to provide for my family. My friends only want the best for me so they would never advocate that I be denied medical attention or taken away and placed in an isolation facility for some undetermined amount of time. And if you’re not really my FRIEND then why would your opinion of me matter at all?

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