We Can't Allow For The Genocide To Be Completed | RUSSELL MEANS

3 years ago

An excerpt from Russell Means in 2008: Patriarchy vis á vis Matriarchy, a 2-disc DVD available from Global Change Multi-Media. Spiritual Leader and founder of Global Community Communications Alliance, Gabriel of Urantia, interviews Russell Means who was an American Indian activist, actor, author, and founder of the T.R.E.A.T.Y. Total Immersion School at Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation

👉🏽 For more information on Gabriel of Urantia and Global Community Communications Alliance go to:

▹ Special thanks to Gabriel Of Urantia & Global Change Films
👉🏽 https://www.youtube.com/user/gabrielofurantia

▹Watch the original video here
👉🏽 https://youtu.be/X3RhU6l_550

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▹ Music: Airfamily - Native American Meditative Flute

▹ We are Kristin & Jean Nolan, the founders of the Inspired Channel. This is a place to inspire each other, to learn, to expand and to become the best version of ourselves. We love that you are here

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▹ If you are watching this, it is coming to you at the perfect time on the path of least resistance. Trust your inner guidance and know that everything is already created for you.

#NativeAmerican #RussellMeans #InspiredChannel

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