Know Thy Enemy- Hero's A Peek At The Seducers of Men

2 years ago

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived." [2 Timothy 3:13]

Most think they know who the enemy is, but in reality, is just a distraction from the one and true enemy of humanity. In Genesis 6:4 is to know "As in The Days of Noah" and the return of the Fallen Ones. See the outworking of the Masonic Influence in history, culture, government, and where it is going. Do your own research. This Game is for the ETERNAL SOULS of Humanity.

The Enemy likes to create chaos and offer itself as the solution. Geopolitics and our world system are no different, right-left, black and white, its evil progenitors are deceived and deceiving. Only faith in Christ Jesus and His shed Blood at Calvary give us a testimony to overcome the Dragon.

Take a journey with me of connecting the dots of what has been
at work for a long time...THE ONE GAME

Filled with clips from DC Comics, Marvel Comics exalting what the Bible calls The Mighty Ones, The Watchers, Fallen Ones, Transhumanism, to set up what may be Strong Delusion.

This documentary is full of information that points to the corruption of God's Temple. (You) "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple." [1 Corinthians 13:15-17]

See how the enemy turns the world upside down as Professor Backwards (Satan) corrupts knowledge and perception. See this powerful documentary by Nicholson1968

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