Learn About Humaculture's CAA and Transparency Compliance Toolkit

2 years ago

Actuary Steve Cyboran, Wes Rogers, and Attorney Howard Lapin review the contents of the Humaculture, Inc. Compliance Toolkit and explain how to use it to comply with the new requirements under the CAA and the “Transparency in Coverage” regulations.

This Webinar focuses on how to use the Compliance Toolkit, not the compliance requirements. To better understand the compliance requirements or download the presentation slides, please access our prior Blog Post (https://humaculture.com/2021/08/20/webinar-replay-big-changes-coming-from-the-consolidated-appropriations-act-caa-and-transparency-in-coverage-rules/).

On November 11, Humaculture, Inc. released its Compliance Toolkit. Humaculture, Inc. designed the Toolkit to help you comply with Requirements Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act (“CAA”) and the New “Transparency in Coverage” Regulations. The Toolkit includes over one hundred and seventy-five (175) pages and contains over fifty-five (55) Exhibits and Attachments.

This video will help you understand the Toolkit contents and how to use each aspect effectively to help meet the compliance requirements. The video addresses questions from the participants in the original webinar.

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