Attorneys Need Not Apply: Excessive Force: EF U., Buddy!

2 years ago


Even the left leaning Slate has an article about the recent quarantine guidelines not making sense to most people, but only six percent of persons attaining a baccalaureate degree graduate with a degree in biology, and only two percent of those continue on to graduate study, and, in a "once in a lifetime pandemic", as described by Virginia State Attorney General Mark Herring in multiple litigations, by July 2020, 73% of Democrats and 66% of Republicans were confident that they understood the science that continues, at least of report, to confuse the scientists who are employed doing this every day.

And one line from Slate underlines this Pastor Hemmings Jacobson understanding of public health crises and medicine: the new guidelines make sense, to our reporter, because some experts said that ten days seemed to be excessive. The discussion on seeking to mitigate socioeconomic externalities that might be discussed by public policy trained or employed professionals is totally lost on Slate, chasing the assurance and necessity of a negative test result, for folks who just followed orders to go into quarantine. But entirely lost ucepon most everyone who volunteered to place themselves in jail, like one might do when playing Monopoly, not passing go and not collecting $200, is a basic fact of infectious disease: just because you are infected does not mean that you are infectious, and, with the flu, even though you may feel terrible for weeks, you are infectious within 24 hours, but only continue to be so for about a week.

Let us just assume that you are fully vaccinated, and maybe boosted up, because you want to fool yourself into believing you follow the science, but do you know that you require the infectious dose to develop an effective vaccine? It helps you to determine the proper levels, in serological titres, the correlates of protection that need to be present to put up a good fight. You don't want mall security showing up to take on Rambo coronavirus. It's "just common sense." In case you missed the April article in NPR on correlates of protection, you probably missed the NPR article, by the same guy, Joe LaPalca, in August, the same day the FDA approved the vaccines, when Dr. Fauci "discovered it", and said in the White House briefing that correlates of protection might help us to develop a more effective vaccine--the vaccines that FDA approved on the basis of the preprint of an efficacy test that had been submitted by Pfizer, far below the standard for an approval for an NDA or ANDA (look it up), and even below the standard for an EUA (a term I pray you know).

Have you read the CDC website in a lethal pandemic? Did you read the "science report" published at the beginning of May that stated that CDC admitted that the infectious dose remains unknown? It has been a topic of interest in a lot of the science literature that you probably did not read, and even found mention in that National Geographics article in April 2020 that freaked science challenged folks out when they determined that a droplet might travel 26 feet.

So, with over 70% of Americans, age 5 and up, vaccinated, we can assume nobody paid attention in middle school biology when the teacher said that viruses are the most abundant biological particles in the world, and you probably did not possess that burning curiosity to determine for yourself, without being told to do so, how many are harmful to mankind. And we can assume that you are probably not even in a position to say the guidelines don't make sense to you, because you don't possess enough knowledge to grade this exam, without an answer key.

So, this video about excessive force in the employment of the police powers of the state in public health may be far too advanced for you, but maybe in the next pandemic, someone will make a great cartoon or children's book for you.

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