Basketball player Richard Harward collapses mid-game, heart issue, coerced into jab 8 days before

2 years ago

This video is from the men's basketball game: Colorado Cristian vs BYU Cougars of November 4th, 2021. You can view the entire game here (section starts at 6m40s):

I had already uploaded this video two weeks ago, but now I found it in good quality. Also, I couldn't find any information about Harward's vaccination status then, but in the mean time I did find it. It proves exactly what I was suspecting:


Early in the BYU exhibition game against Colorado Christian on Nov. 4, big man Richard Harward left the contest, and it was later determined that he would be out “at least a little while” because of what head coach Mark Pope called a “cardiovascular issue.” Harward hasn’t played since, and on Tuesday, he announced via Instagram that he will miss the rest of the season because of the heart problem.

The condition affecting my heart has developed further complications. For my health and safety, it has been determined I will be out the remainder of the season.” Harward, a senior, was expected to be BYU’s starting center this season after averaging 6.1 points, 4.3 rebounds in 15 minutes per game last year.



Today the Deseret News is reporting that BYU basketball star Richard Harward’s alleged knee injury last week is not a knee injury after all, but rather a “cardiovascular issue.” ...

Coach Mark Pope — “He’s in the best shape of his life, he’s playing the best basketball of his life. He is the emotional leader of this entire team over the last two years.” ... What the Church-owned Deseret News is not reporting is that the perfectly healthy Harward was coerced by the LDS into getting the Vaccine and had just received an injection 8 days before the incident. Make no mistake, this is yet another vaccine casualty that is not being reported on. ...

Well, you heard it here first. Let’s see how long it takes for the Church to publish what it knows right now. Every second that ticks by is evidence of dishonesty and coverup. And tragically, lives are literally hanging in the balance. As I write this, the Church (and the state of Utah) is supporting children getting vaccinated who are zero percent at risk of dying from CoVid. How many members of the Church will lose their faith in these men and possibly their lives because they were compelled to do as they were told?"


The previous upload of this video is here:

I found the information through the following article:

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