SIN NATURE OF MANKIND Part 2: The Adamic Sin

3 years ago

Life is a radical event that begins when a sperm fertilizes an egg. At the moment of conception, this newly formed cell is infected with sin, and every pregnancy for close to 7,000 years has experienced the same corruption ever since Adam and Eve made the fateful decision to rebel against God.

Jesus introduced the antidote 2,000 years ago, which effectively slows down the consequences of sin. It is found in the blood shed at Calvary when Jesus hung on the cross and paid for the sins of mankind. Sin makes humanity evil and God is using the Holy Spirit to restrain the evil in people and keep them from destroying this planet.

Even so, it was still necessary for the Lord to flood the earth and kill mankind with the exception of eight people. God intervened a second time at the tower of Babel when the descendants of Noah worked to create an evil world government.

As a result, God has set up a special angelic command that monitors political leaders and removes them when they become too evil. Sin won't be eradicated until your physical body dies and you are taken to heaven but it is possible to rely upon the Holy Spirit for guidance and make sure there is a way to escape temptation.
Sermon Outline

Part 2: The Adamic Sin
RLJ-1604 -- JUNE 18, 2017

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