Klaus Schwab sent his book, "The Great Reset," to Jason Kenney

3 years ago

Cindy Butterworld says "Where do you stand on the Great Reset the Liberals are planning on introducing?" Well, let me just say that, first of all, what is this Great Reset? Pierre Poilievre, the federal conservative finance critic, recently raised concerns about this and then he was attacked by some in the media and by the Liberals for supposedly circulating conspiracy theories, well, "The Great Reset" is actually the name of a book by a very prominent advocate of it, his name is Klaus Swabs, he sent me a copy, I guess he sent one to probably every government leader in the world and Klaus Schwab's thesis in his book is that governments and societies, the world, should quote "seize the opportunity" of the public health and economic crisis to reimagine the world and radically chance policies. Now, in what ways? I would describe it as a grab bag of Left Wing ideas, for less freedom and more government. For more government intervention, for policies that would, I think, create massive poverty, particularly energy policies, that he is advocating, so Klaus Schwab by the way is the President and Founder of the World Economic Forum also known as the Davos Summit, I call it the biggest gathering of global hypocrites in history. It's a little ski village in Switzerland, and every, I think, February a couple of thousand super rich people, a lot of billionaires, millionaires, global CEOs, and politicians, fly into Davos, with hundreds of private airplanes
they go into Switzerland and they spend a week basically lecturing the rest of the world including especially working women and men about how they should reduce their carbon footprint... the hypocracy in that crowd is so thick you can't even cut it with a knife.

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