Explosive!! Proof that Pfizer lied by Dr Robert Malone the inventor of mRNA

2 years ago

If you have one video to watch and pass on, it is this one. The inventor of mRNA has just posted a video proving without a DOUBT that Pfizer has been lying about the efficacy of their gene therapy from DAY ONE. I mean, you and me knew that already since its Public knowledge that Pfizer has been condemned multiple times for killing people, misleading the truth bla, bla, real criminal in white collar. This time there is proof from no less than the inventor of the mRNA Dr Robert Malone. This video got him banned from twitter for life. Seriously being banned for life from a piece of garbage like twitter is a freaking honor..
In short, the Absolute Risk Reduction when you take the Jab against COVID is 0.84 % and that is it..... Damn, with all the side effects we know of now, its not worth taking the Jab at all.. The 95% efficacy 7 days after the second dose, is actually the Relative Risk Reduction !! Watch the full video to understand the difference between "Relative Risk Reduction and Absolute Risk Reduction". The variable that you need to worry about is the "Absolute Risk Reduction". Now I wonder how many people would have taken the Jabs if they had known about this fact !!

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