Do you want to improve your paddling?

2 years ago

Welcome to the Paddle Challenge. For surfers who want to fall in love with paddling.

Join this programme and start paddling better.

If you ever wished to paddle more effortlessly and with ease into the line up and powerfully into the waves, instead of feeling like a T-Rex with tiny arms that can barely move forward
In this Paddle Challenge we will boost your paddle power for long paddling & surf sessions and powerful paddling sprints.
you will learn …
how to paddle more efficiently with the right paddling technique!

which exercises and routines are the best to improve your paddling and your posture on the surfboard!

how to increase your range-of-motion to reduce the risk of injury and overload.

how to paddle powerfully into the wave and how to best position yourself on the wave.

how to best build strength, power and endurance to surf longer and move better in the water!

how to be more focused, overcome fears and limiting beliefs to become a better surfer.
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