WND Exclusive - Stand Up – It’s Now or Never

3 years ago

by: Brent Smith

Speak your mind – mean what you say and say what you mean – and stop back-tracking. Stop apologizing for speaking your mind. If you believe it, say it and live it, regardless of the consequences Republican naysayers insist will befall you.

We on the right, who are just barely hanging on to the Republican Party, are primed for change. Not the hope and change nonsense promoted by leftist radicals. And not the lying to our faces by the Mitch McConnell controlled Republicans.

Actually check that. Not about Republican lies – that has been demonstrated to us for many years. It’s the whole Obama Hope and Change garbage. That has officially been retired. Instead, we’ve entered a new phase of “change,” without the “hope.”

I’m sure we’ve all heard the three word authoritarian slogan, “Nudge, Shove, Shoot.” This is the new “change.” In some blue States and cities, we’ve passed from “Nudge” and are now well entrenched in the “Shove” phase. From here there’s only one way to go if the public doesn’t snap out of it and beat it back. History, it seems is repeating yet again. Shocker!

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