Pilot Greg Pearson speaks up about his and other pilots' vaccine injuries, dangers to public

3 years ago

Some airlines and states have mandated COVID inoculations or at the minimum, made life without vaccination as undesirable as possible as a 'nudge' to get vaccinated. This was supposedly done to keep employees and others safe. However, it was already known many months ago and is known even better now, that the toxic experimental injections are significantly more dangerous to most than COVID.

Pilot Greg Pearson didn't want to get the jab. He'd never had a flu shot in his life and especially did not want to get an experimental drug injected against a disease that poses only low risk to him. Because he needed to travel often between Hawaii and California (two states with archaic travel restrictions) and his airline wanted him to be injected, he reluctantly decided to get jabbed.

Within hours after getting the gene therapy, he was experiencing extremely fast heart rate (tachycardia) and needed to be rushed to the ER, where atrial fibrillation (AF) was diagnosed. This could have killed him immediately or belatedly through for instance stroke (because blood stays in the atria too long causing clots to form there, which can go to the small blood vessels and in the brain and cause a stroke).

The COVID Kool-Aid injections are so dangerous not only because of their serious and even life-threatening risks, but also because these adverse events can happen suddenly and without adequate warning. An example might be a blood clot (thrombus, embolism) blocking a blood vessel (vascular occlusion) in the heart (heart attack, myocardial infarction) or brain (stroke).

If a pilot has an adverse reaction at cruising altitude, there is time for the co-pilot to take over their duties. However, if a pilot has a sudden adverse reaction while taking off or landing with a huge airplane, that may kill a large amount of people due to the absence of a safety margin.

Politicians, leaders, health authorities (such as NIH, CDC, FDA) and media are all suppressing information about the enormous risks of these clot shots.

Pearson mentions other pilots who are going to work with crushing pains in their chest and head. These symptoms can be warning signs of an impending heart attack or stroke. These vaccine injured pilots don't speak up, because they're fearful of retribution. Not only can they lose their their job, but their whole career. (Not speaking up falls under the category 'self-censoring', which is induced by cancel culture among other things.)

SOURCE: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uZHG1WemkHPO/

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