Dalek News 29 DEC 2021

2 years ago

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the Doctor recommends.

Since we are all going to be reduced to the same level of peasant equality, with only the rich owning things, what does the country look like to the average Joe?

To examine this, divide all of the income and expenses for the USA by 164 million workers, and then by twelve, to produce your average monthly budget. As if you had to run the country.

Can one of the 164 million average Joe’s do a more average job than Joe?

Let’s find out:
The total wealth of the USA is 126.3 Trillion, so your house and assets amount to 770,000 dollars.

The federal income from all sources is 3.581 Trillion for 2021. This is: 1,863 dollars per month.

The annual trade deficit is 883 billion. For you, this is 450 per month of more stuff you import than you export.

The total spending for 2021 is: 6.818 Trillion.
Your spending is 3,547 per month.

This includes:
Military spending for 2021 is 754 Billion, for you this is: 383 dollars per month.

Health and Medicare together is 758 per month.

Servicing your debt is: 180 dollars per month.

Social Security and Covid stimulus spending was 2.7 Trillion.
For you this is 1,372 per month.

Rounding it out we have the little stuff like the VA, Education and running the government.
The rest totals 854 dollars per month, including things like agriculture 25 a month, Transportation 78 a month, VA services 119 a month, 18 dollars space and technology.

For less than 17 dollars a month, the entire California high speed railway project could be bought in a year. One Extra Aircraft Carrier would be 7 bucks for a year.

Sources: Census.gov, CBO.gov, Wikipedia.

Its Not click-bait if it is a recent photograph for a job application for ,err,
my, .. er... piece of ass, I mean baby sitter.

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