Who Woulda Thunk It....

3 years ago

A city named Hawaii in Kenya....ain't life a hoot???
The breaking news today is the quilty verdict in the Maxwell case...there are other issues in our counntry also...

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has changed the definition of fully vaccinated to include only those people with two vaccination shots plus a booster, from the previously recognized two vaccination shots without a booster.

“The message is clear — if you are vaccinated but un-boosted, you need to take the same level of precaution as those who have never been vaccinated,” reported National Review about the new guidance, citing quarantine procedures that lump the un-boosted with the unvaccinated.

“This is not an arbitrary semantic game,” warned National Review, citing vaccine passports and state and local regulations that hinge on CDC definitions. “Biden has issued an executive order, currently being fought in court, that forces larger employers to require employees to either get fully vaccinated or tested regularly.”






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