Seed Oils & Satiety, Ghislaine Maxwell Convicted (Audio)

3 years ago

David Gornoski starts the episode with a reflection on Twitter's suspension of Dr. Robert W. Malone and how censorship always backfires. What was the point in removing liberties for the last two years when Biden admitted there is no federal solution to the pandemic? Listen to the full episode as David searches for an answer. Plus, Surit Dasgupta, A Neighbor's Choice writer, calls in to talk about the unraveling of powerful people like Fauci and more.

In the second hour, Tucker Goodrich joins David Gornoski to discuss some of the healthy alternatives to seed oils. Is palm oil a healthy alternative? How does seed oil consumption affect our satiety? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also in the show, James Kourtides of the Rooster's Crow calls in to talk about the latest episode of mask frenzy and whether a return to normalcy is possible. Plus, David Gornoski reports on the conviction of Ghislaine Maxwell.

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