School Board Meeting (4) December 21, 2021

2 years ago

Leslie Penkunas's infamous speech - "My choice as an adult" (4:28) and full speech begins at (2:45). Superintendent says, "We would never change anything, or you know, try to push some socialist or Marxist agenda - that's just ludicrous to me." (13:14) and later... "there is a roadmap for all of this coming" (13:38) re: learning loss(?) Discussion on how the funds will be used primarily for an HVAC system and Wertsch's comments on the 'mechanics' of how the funding and further ESSER grant discussion from the board. Challenge to define equity (17:06) Esser III funding is being used for facilities - HVAC (20:10) Concerns with the ability to govern from within vs strings attached and federal oversight (24:58) Calendar on using district funds for whatever they wish after receiving grant funds (28:50) Possible vaccine mandate concerns discussion if CDC would create it (30:36), April replies (31:11), April pivots to SEAD curriculum and CASEL model and teachers created lessons with the tenants. Esser vote (34:49)

Courtesy ~ Moms For Liberty, Lancaster

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