Dr. David Martin to the point presentation - A Must Watch [05.11.2021]

3 years ago

I checked out your "declaration" and the wording is all wrong.
If you are going to create a graven image for people to take oaths by, you need to define what your words mean.
For example, I am not a human (Hue =color+ man) because its entomology.
We are mankind as Created in the image of God, by the God of the Received Text or Textus Receptus New Testement containing Bible versions.
By claiming to be a "human" in law, we become less than what we were created to be.
Satan lies by changing the meanings of words or changing the names of things.
We think we know what words in law mean, but they are defined differently than their common meanings so in order to understand who they apply to, one must look up the words in a law dictionary.
The solution is to stop trusting in people in power to be our daddy and mommy, grow up, become responsible for what these laws are, and pray for forgiveness in worshiping a beast system government.
Breathe_Deep - 2169 subscribers

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