3 years ago

Those of us who have chosen to fight back against this effort to dominate the global populace have lost our jobs, lost friendships, lost family, lost business and businesses, we've been defamed, discredited, ostracized, attacked, insulted and told that we are despicable human beings. While the institutions and individuals obediently complying with this narrative are celebrated, are more powerful than they have ever been, are more wealthy than they've ever been, and are designated as great saviors of human kind. What motive would anyone have to place themselves in harms way the way that we do? Quite simply, "what do you think is in it for me?" If you believe that I am ill informed, unintelligent, selfish, rash, prone to emotion, immature, hateful, violent and/or evil, then I know without a doubt that you don't know me at all. So I ask the question again, "what do you think is in it for me?" What if I'm right and you're wrong? Me personally, I wouldn't mind being wrong, if it is verifiable comprehensive data that says so. But when sitting in a room with 10 scientist all with equal qualifications and experience and you tell me that I can only listen to 3 of them and ignore the rest - it shows me that you care more about your agenda than you do science. When you need to change the definition of a word to add credibility to your argument - it shows me that you care more about your agenda than you do meaning. When you need to hold my quality of life hostage in order to force compliance - it shows me that you care more about your agenda than you do liberty. When you turn my neighbor against me - it shows me that you care more about your agenda than you do unity. When you advocate for medical treatment to be withheld to punish disobedience - it shows me that you care more about your agenda than you do human life.

ON PODCAST: https://anchor.fm/lightbulbinitiative/episodes/WHAT-DO-YOU-THINK-IS-IN-IT-FOR-ME-e1c9jo3

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