MAGA rioter Jenna Ryan has reported to prison - and she could be in for 'a reality check'

2 years ago

Jenna Ryan (YouTube/Screen cap)

Scandalous Capitol agitator Jenna Ryan, the Texas realtor who once said she wouldn't spend time in jail in jail since she's white and blonde, apparently has started her 60-day sentence.

The 51-year-old Ryan, who was condemned last month for her part in the Jan. 6 insurgence,

was at first booked to answer to jail in January.

Notwithstanding, the Dallas Observer detailed Tuesday that Ryan registered to the Bryan Federal Prison Camp in Texas before Christmas.

Daniel Wise, a Florida-based jail specialist, said he trusts Ryan - who as of late declared a book bargain - may have decisively given up right on time, the Observer revealed.
"I need to envision that there was a rationale behind this, and your thought process presumably is: You need to go in there, presently you can write in your book what it resembled to be in jail for Christmas,"Wise said on his YouTube channel. "I mean I think individuals will see directly through the distraction. I don't believe you will get a ton of compassion."

Another jail expert, Holli Coulman, said Ryan as of late reached her to find out if she could decide to be housed in isolation because of worries that she may get hit with a "lock in a sock," the Observer detailed.

"In any case, Ryan in the long run concluded that she'd truly do fine and dandy in everybody, asserting that she knows how to befriend anybody, Coulman said. '[Ryan] goes, "I experienced childhood in the roads," she said, chuckling," as per the Observer. "In any case, Ryan has huge designs for her time in jail. In recordings presented on her TikTok account, she professed to anticipate doing loads of yoga. She additionally said it would be 'worth aoina to jail' in the event that she
Figures out how to shed 30 pounds because of another exercise routine and diet, liberated from liquor and low quality nourishment."

On YouTuber who showed up on Wise's channel, DOCTV813, said he doesn't figure jail authorities will see the value in Ryan's TikTok recordings.

"With her doing what she's doing, they will take a gander at that and they will make her time hard in light of the fact that they will give her a rude awakening," DOCTV813 said. "Furthermore she won't get thinner; she will likely put on weight due to how they cook everything in there with starches what not. I don't think she understands what she's going to stroll into."

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