They Believed Their Gov't and Were Proud to Help

2 years ago

In the US, there has been a 6000% increase in reported vaccine deaths 1st quarter 2021 compared to 1st quarter 2020!

For months, governments have been hammering at us: “Wear a mask. Save lives." Now, the instruction should be: “Share this video. Save lives."

This little video presents a few people who were nevertheless very proud to be vaccinated… But the shot killed them, sometimes very quickly (2 hours later), often in excruciating pain. Sometimes, just in their sleep. Countless thousands die or suffer from the side effects of these injections which are deceptively presented to us as vaccines.

More than ever, these injections of genetically modified material put you at much greater risk than COVID itself. In addition, they absolutely do not immunize, they do not exempt you from wearing a mask or social distancing and they make you six times more contagious (and dangerous) than a non-injected person.

Share this video, and save lives. THANK YOU!

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* References:

* Correction: Emma Burkey endured 3 brain surgeries due to blood clots in the brain, but she survived.

* COVID Shot Dangers - The "vaccine" exposed:

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* Fair use notice:
This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material has been made available for the purposes of education and understanding of current issues.

* As much as we value your physical health, your spiritual health is so much more precious. We live on this earth for a moment, but then it is eternity...

Where do you stand with God?

God has revealed Himself in His Word, the Bible. He is righteous and cannot stand sin. None of us are righteous because we have all sinned. God in His mercy, sent His only Son to die in our place, take our punishment and make a way for us to be reconciled to Him. Jesus Christ rose from the dead and is alive today. That means there is hope! He can set you free and make you new if you call on Him, repent and put your trust in Him. It is not too late! God is good and He said that He will never turn away anyone who comes to Him.

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