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Abolish the Police

3 years ago

The NYPD are expending resources on enforcing tyrannical vaccine passport mandates. This is worse than anything King George ever would have thought of. At a time when we have record crime in our neighborhoods, this is their focus? We believe in law enforcement. We believe in ordered liberty. But if ordered liberty is not an option on the menu, then we are left with two choices, pure anarchy or pure tyranny. We would rather defend ourselves against criminals and not be thrown in jail for defending ourselves or for violating some random, unconstitutional edict. The status quo is anarchy for criminals, tyranny for us. If this is our reality, then abolish the police.

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  • 0/2000
  • It’s sickening what has become of these two professions. The fact that nearly 85% of both groups have sold out to this corruption and idly stand by while innocent people are dying is something I never thought I would see in my lifetime. The cops are in complete compliance with what they are told regardless of law.

  • They will run after a person not wearing a mask and beat them to the ground but they won’t run after a black assailant because they’re afraid of being called a racist. Who needs cops like that!

  • I just replied to your Tweet: "I think you’re too generous with ‘pathetic’. I invite your consideration of ‘detestable’. LEOs, esp command level sworn, who support (regardless of coersion/threat) ProgLeft’s pandemic fascism violate their Oath & Code of Ethics." I worked for 32 yrs with Berkeley (CA) PD and saw the corrosion Prog/neoMarxist politics and policies wreak upon public safety and the L/E sworn to serve it. Line officers butted heads against the staff who promoted the Council/radical community's unconstitutional, oft unlawful, interests, and ~98% of the time we won. However, in the five years since my retirement, L/E as a profession has been so demoralized and now cowed by threat of termination (vax mandates), it's unrecognizable as the profession I was proud to serve in. As facts/evidence/objective science are destroying Covid Fascism, Biden/Feds et al are beginning to pivot away from abject tyranny. I hope states/counties/cities led by ProgLeft/Dem politicians similarly reverse their course to oppression. Maybe then, cops and docs will be allowed to do the jobs they trained for... maybe...

  • 100% !

  • They're not police. They're gestapo. Abolish the gestapo. ;)

  • OMG, I had no idea you were on here Daniel. You are my absolute hero sir. I mean that with every ounce of sincerity. You've been an island of solid information in a world turned upside down with misinformation. Thank you for all you do. You are an American hero.

  • I just replied to your Tweet: "I think you’re too generous with ‘pathetic’. I invite your consideration of ‘detestable’. LEOs, esp command level sworn, who support (regardless of coersion/threat) ProgLeft’s pandemic fascism violate their Oath & Code of Ethics." I worked for 32 yrs with Berkeley (CA) PD and saw the corrosion Prog/neoMarxist politics and policies wreak upon public safety and the L/E sworn to serve it. Line officers butted heads against the staff who promoted the Council/radical community's unconstitutional, oft unlawful, interests, and ~98% of the time we won. However, in the five years since my retirement, L/E as a profession has been so demoralized and now cowed by threat of termination (vax mandates), it's unrecognizable as the profession I was proud to serve in. As facts/evidence/objective science are destroying Covid Fascism, Biden/Feds et al are beginning to pivot away from abject tyranny. I hope states/counties/cities led by ProgLeft/Dem politicians similarly reverse their course to oppression. Maybe then, cops and docs will be allowed to do the jobs they trained for... maybe...

  • There was a very good reason that our nation established an ‘Oath to Uphold the Constitution’ for all military and law enforcement personnel(including CBP and ICE). What that has meant is that, according to the Oath, military and law enforcement personnel are not allowed to follow any order that is in conflict with the law as defined by the Constitution. So for example when Biden issued his executive orders declaring the southern border to be open, that was a clear violation of the constitution and every single CBP and ICE official should have refused to obey the order. It is a sad fact that 98% of them chose to obey their human bosses instead of the oath that they took before they put on their badges. This underscores Daniel’s point. If the Oath to the Constitution is as meaningless as it appears to be, abolish all law enforcement and let the People enforce the laws.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKPp_DZM_Bk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmo0l3a1ZuY

    1 like
  • Good analysis

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  • Thank you Daniel. Wonder if others note a resemblance to Floyd R. Turbo?

    1 like
  • Where the eff did this podcast go??????????????

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  • Dave Chappell gets attacked on stage, by a knife-welding assailant, in front of thousands of people. The California DISTRICT ATTORNEY charges the man with a MISDEMEANOR! THERE's a BIG Problem! FIRE THESE ACTIVIST/Prosecuting Attorney's! FAILURE & Refusing to do their SWORN DUTY which is to uphold the LAW!

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  • Points are well taken.

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  • can't argue.

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