(TW!) Mediumship, Spells, && Musical Witchcraft (Parts 3 &4 ~NEW AGE to JESUS Testimony Series)

2 years ago

*TRIGGER WARNING* (witchcraft ; spiritual practices)

This video series has 4 parts so far, but I am only sharing Parts 3 and 4 in this particular video. These parts have already been posted in my group, and on Patreon, but will now be public.

You can watch Parts 1 & 2 Here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vro11s9L6Jg&t=1418s&ab_channel=ShineYourLightCollective

In this video I give another intro and then I continue to go into the spiritual practices that I engaged in as a teenager, two of which were taught to me by my boyfriend at the time, one of the practices I misused. The practice I misused ended up leading me into a really sticky situation with a guy I met in my young adulthood that practiced witchcraft on me and it was a really traumatic experience. There was a lot of demonic activity. I now believe this is all tied in with the organized group that abused me with the Enemy's hand behind it all. I still haven't sorted everything out yet as I'm just beginning to heal from all this, but I share part of the story here in Part 3. And then in the Part 4 that comes immediately afterwards I talk about how I had a supernatural experience with music and ended up creating my own spiritual practices with it, using similar methods and tools I've discussed before. It gets really deep and heavy so proceed with caution. Only Christ could save me, and I share this in case there are others out there that may need to hear this.

Added Note for Part 4: I did forget a few details when telling my story. When the music "glitches" happened the songs would also go silent or pause on the ones that I didn't want to listen to or didn't match up to the situation (environment/words of others/etc.), not just skip to the next song. Also, I used another technique in the early days of this practice, the same one I talked about using in Part 2 with oracle cards which was feeling the energy of where to stop to pick the song while scrolling up and down my library, not just using the muscle testing. There's probably much more to this, but the rest is too traumatic right now for me to express or even retrieve right now, but I may or may not go into more detail at a later date when I'm ready of course. Hope this is helpful. Take care all!

*IMPORTANT* There are yet again a few quick flashes from poor editing. I'm not very good at technical stuff. But I will post it anyways because yet again I don't think it takes away from the message in the video, and I'm not going to let it stop me. I have figured out what the problem probably is, but I will have to look for a solution when I feel up for it. Researching technical stuff and experiencing these errors can increase my anxiety, so it's hard for me to make videos like other YouTubers, but I try my best, even if it doesn't look like it sometimes.

DISCLAIMER : I do not claim to be a teacher. I am just a fallible human being that is speaking on my experiences, and my understanding of things. The only reliable authority we can have is Jesus Christ.

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