My Pearl is missing.

3 years ago

December 25, 2021
Christmas Day
A 🐦Pearl showed up at my patio door.

I let her in.
She stayed for the night.
She likes to be cuddled and loved.

She helped me forget the pain.
She hypnotized me.

#GhislainPlourde #lechodelaval #courrierlaval #BenoitLeBlanc #LaPress #MarieMicheleSioui #FrederiqueGiguere #AnneSutherland
#MaximeDeland #amandakelly #globalnewsmontreal #globalnewsto
#tvanouvelle #montrealgazette #lejournaldemontreal #GlobalNews #RebelNews #JustSayNo #mtlblog #Montreal #Quebec #Police #parentalalienation #missing #BigMistake #Father #Daughter #TickTock #BackTheBlue

Something very precious has been taken from me.

🐦Big Mistake!

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