Vaccine Secrets - Covid Crisis – Episode 4 (Vaccine Unknowns)

2 years ago

Vaccine Secrets - Covid Crisis – Episode 4 (Vaccine Unknowns)

Vaccine Unknowns: The Greatest Human Experiment Ever

- How can the “experts” claim that the COVID vaccines are safe when they’re not FDA approved (Emergency Use Authorization only)
- Why all the major COVID vaccines hijack the body’s genetic machinery (RNA and DNA) for the body to produce the dangerous spike protein — unlike any other vaccines ever produced
- Why women are advised to postpone mammograms after getting the “completely safe” COVID vax — which causes swelling in the lymph nodes
- Why have billions of people around the world been forced into life-changing lockdowns through media-generated fear and panic — for a condition that has a 99% survival rate for people under 70?

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