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People Need The Lord

3 years ago

✨✝🕊🔥 People Need The Lord 🔥🕊✝️✨
Singing this song has had so many highs! First finding it was fun, finding it tucked away in a folder I rarely look at. Then the flood of memories this song brings. Long ago when one of my bestest friend Donna and I led worship. We were so excited when songs like this came out. No internet back then we had to listen to WLS out of Chicago to catch the new songs, then hope we could record it on cassette tape to work up all the music. Things were not quite as simple back then. But every bit of it was exciting.
So then as I've said before I can usually tell which song the Holy Spirit is leading me to do next by how deep it touches my heart and brings me to tears. This song! This song! This song I felt the pull of the Lord's Spirit so strong and hearing Him say They need me! Oh how He loves and wants to hold them in His arms and tell them everything is alright. We are His arms and we are His feet, we are His mouth through which He speaks. I remember a saying years ago, you may be the only Jesus some people see and hear.
That is a reality shaking thought, but oh so true!
I think I got my final recording on the 2nd try which is always nice.
Then finding the video clips for the video. I could see in the people on these clips the story of what the song was telling so clearly. Oh how people need the Lord!
So I get all the clips and music together in my software program and it takes a long time to wait on the formatting. Then I go to play the final results and no video! What? Wait? Yep nothing!
So I pray, go to bed and start again this morning. Once again it's a long wait on the format. No video!
I then disassemble the video removing any edits to the clips thinking maybe that triggered the problem and reassembled it back together, another long wait on the format. Nope, nada, no video.
Ok so by now I'm frustrated but laughing because I know that every time I have these kind of problems the video is a blessing.
So starting all over again I use my secondary software that I never really got into all of its editing tools, etc.
Long story short! The Lord just opened my eyes to this software's abilities and I'm like a kid with a new toy! I don't even need my other software now. Sorry for rambling but this was really a miracle for me.
So back to the main subject line here is People Need The Lord. So many of you here are so dedicated to serving the Lord and allowing Him to use you to touch those who need Him. I want to encourage you although the road is hard at times, keep going. Even if it feels like nothing is happening, it is! Your fulfilling your calling and that is all any of us can do. Be watching for new doors to open this coming year! We are in the count down right now for His return and He is going to be opening new doors and blessings of provisions to perform whatever it is that you will be doing for Him. Fulfilling His plan and purpose in your life as long as you stay committed. You are going to be over the top elated at what He is going to be doing in your life! He owns everything remember? He is going to be working His plan taking it to the unlimited favor over your life to bring about His purpose in you!
Ask Him to set up those divine appointments in your life to bring His life giving Word to someone as you go out into the world as His Ambassador.
God bless you all! I am praying for you always!
Love, Cecilia 🌷


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