Why is Trump Backing the Death Jab?

3 years ago

Why is Trump Backing the Death Jab?

Please Excuse the language.

I was rebuked by the Lord to stop following Man and to focus on God and put my faith in him.
That NO MAN was going to stop what was coming.

Trump is controlled opposition,
he is behind operation warp speed, and he signed the noahide laws so they could persecute all the Christians.

He's just a small part of the operation to identify and take down patriots and Christians.

Look into project Pogo and Project Zyphr.


I was a supported of trumps for awhile and as time went on something in my spirit said he wasn't what he was portraying himself to be. .

I was led NOT to attend the capital rally on the 6th, which ended up being a good thing because I too could have been manipulated into being part of they're plan to use the patriot act against them to create them as domestic terrorist.

original from Instagram


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