dog trainer academy

2 years ago

The base for your video script:

Hi, I’m Doggy Dan, a professional dog trainer and behavioral specialist right here in Auckland. If you’re struggling with your dog or you’ve got a behavioral issue, maybe with a young puppy and you’ve tried everything and you don’t know where else to go then, I would love to have the opportunity to share with you what I’ve discovered about dog training.

The way that I work with dogs is very different from most dog trainers. Most trainers start by immediately trying to train the dog who is usually over excited, and non responsive when it really matters.

The method that I use is very much about first of all, understanding where the dog is coming from and getting the dog to come on side with us. So they actually choose to follow us. They choose to listen to us and in doing that, they calm right down and relax because they are not making all these decisions. This means they are far more likely to listen to you when it actually matters and will be ready for training!
So...the way I work is I run one-on-one consults where I come to people’s homes. During this time, the first part is spent basically helping you understand the mind of your dog, and I’ll show you some very simple exercises, which will get your dog to come on side, so they’re not challenging you and disobeying you all the time. Basically you won’t feel like you are swimming against the stream any more, you’ll be moving in the same direction! They’ll be on side. They’ll be wanting to listen to you and they’ll be far, far calmer. So when the doorbell rings, they won’t be neurotic or when they see another dog and they are on the other side of the road, they won’t be getting all crazy and excited, and they’ll be listening to you when you tell them what to do. When you work with a dog who is calm and who listens, then you can put the training in place. The issue that most people have is not that they don’t know how to train the dog. They’re doing a lot of that training right but they don’t have a dog who is in a state ready to learn when it really matters. They don’t have a foundation. And that’s what I’ll share with you.

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