They Sold The Vaccines As If They Stop Transmission

2 years ago

Health authorities, leaders, media and prominent people all sold the vaccines as if they would stop, or at the very minimum inhibit, infection and transmission. They lied (and they'll keep lying in the future).

The technical term for vaccines that stop infection and transmission is 'sterilizing'. (This does not mean you will become infertile. This may happen, but is unrelated.) A non-sterilizing vaccine is also called 'leaky'.

Vaccines applied in the nose (intranasal) MIGHT inhibit respiratory infection and transmission, but INJECTED vaccines can never do such a thing, because the immune system in the blood is almost completely separate from the immune system in the airways and gut. Dr. Bhakdi explains this in the following video:

Said differently, intranasal vaccines MIGHT protect others and lead to herd immunity for respiratory infections. Injected vaccines won't significantly protect others and won't lead to herd immunity.

The COVID inoculations provide extremely specific protection at best: they may protect against one variant, but once the virus mutates only slightly (which is guaranteed to happen), the protection will reduce drastically. This type of fragile protection is also called 'narrow'. You want exactly the opposite: robust protection that works against ALL current and future variants.

In fact, mass vaccination with narrow leaky vaccines with a fast mutating pathogen (such as a coronavirus) and high infectious pressure, is guaranteed to very quickly lead to immune escape. (This is also called vaccine resistance: think antibiotics resistance, but for viruses.)

This is due to the narrow protection. If you have variants A and B, and a vaccine protects against A but not B, you'll get a whole lot of B (and C and D).

It is no coincidence that there has never been a vaccine against corona viruses for human.

If you update the mRNA recipe of a genetic vaccine quickly, it may not help at all. First, however fast you get new vaccines produced, shipped and injected, you'll always be too late, because by that time the virus will have mutated again. Second, even if you give the body a recipe for NEW antibodies, it may keep producing the OLD, now ineffective, antibodies. This is called original antigenic sin (OAS).

Bottom line: these vaccines don't protect others. There are countless reasons for not mandating these experimental highly toxic vaccines. Them not significantly reducing transmission is more than enough reason by itself. Anyone who tells you that you should get vaxxed because that will protect others, is either (willfully) ignorant/incompetent, a liar, or both.

By getting vaxxed you will put others in MORE risk, because you'll speed up the emergence of escape mutants. This will lead to even faster expiry of these narrow jabs. Furthermore, because the jabs reduce symptoms, you may become a superspreader. Think: Typhoid Mary spreading COVID.


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