Lin Wood + David Clements versus Michael Flynn + Patrick Byrne (part 1)

2 years ago

Lin Wood and David Clements vs Michael Flynn and Patrick Byrne

There has been a split in the pro-election truth movement. The two outsiders Lin Wood and David Clements have actively disparaged Michael Flynn and Patrick Byrne. Both Lin and David have excellent histories: Lin Wood, a defamation lawyer with an impeccable past…. David Clements; a Law Professor from New Mexico State University. They both recognised quite early on… that the 2020 election was fraudulent…. and both have lost work and reputation because of their singular desire to expose it. It was their clear commitment to this cause which makes their seemingly out of character attacks on other individuals in the election truth movement even more confusing.

The particulars of Michael Flynn and Patrick Byrne are also very impressive. Michael Flynn severely suffered for his support of Trump…. with the deep state setting up, continually litigating against him, threatening his son and then bankrupting him. His realisation of the 2020 election fraud was early on and was worked tirelessly to combat it. Patrick Byrne has also done some heavy lifting to reverse the disaster which was the 2020 election

All others in the election integrity movement have been forced to take sides…. sitting on the fence doesn’t seem to have been option. From those who have been following along things seem to have been brewing for about 2-3 months.

In order to follow the drama we start in early November on Lin Wood’s telegram channel where Lin compliments Flynn…. but questions his support of Vernon Jones. A figure that Lin belives is only in politics to line his own pockets. 4th November he goes even further to say that he rang General Flynn to let him know that he would miss seeing him at an upcoming conference arranged by Doug Billings. It is also interesting that General Flynn’s endorsement of Vernon James dissapeared from his website on the 6th of November….. a day that also sees Lin Wood talk about a subject that has given him the ‘conspiracy theorist and wacky label’….. child sex trafficking and sacrifice in satanic rituals.

On this day he also talks about the Rittenhouse controversy prior to it exploding on Tucker Carlson’s interview with him. He mentions how his organisation #fighback posted 2 million dollars to post Rittenhouses cash bail…. and there was something fishy going on with David Hancock who took over the fundraising efforts…. including a surrepticious trip to Lin’s house under false pretences to try and set him and record him without his knowledge. David Hancock also stole the donor list for Kyle from #FightBack. We find out later that David, an X-navy seal had his Trident pulled because of fraud related to creation and running of a charity for deceased Navy Seals. Lin Wood alleges he is a CIA/ Deep State operative (14th Nov).

On 14th November Lin accuses Hancock of concocting a story that he has stolen money from Kyle and Wendy. ON the 15th Lin brings up another player (Marjorie Taylor Greene)…. He also believes she has deep state connections.

20th November sees Kyle Rittenhouse judged innocent. The 21st starts a whirlwind of accusations with Mark Richards (Kyle’s attorney) accusing Lin of being an idiot and trying to make money out of Kyle Rittenhouse (Lies That Lin believes cames from David Hancock). In claims he made no money whatsoever… and in fact paid more money to Kyle’s cause than he ever received in donations…. and says that he has the receipts and the records that prove it. Lin writes a letter to Mark Richards telling him that if he does not retract the lies he will be sued. On the 22nd November Lin calls out David A. Clarke as a potential deep state plant for lying about who should get the bail money that fightback put up to keep Kyle Rittenhouse out of jail.

On the 23rd Lin publically comments as to why FIghtbacks involvement in bailing out Kyle is never mentioned by Patriots General Flynn and Kyle Rittehouse. Brian Cates is also given a shout out about his false statements in regard to Lin stealing from Kyle and Wendy….

The 23rd is also the day Kyle Rittenhouse claimed, on Tucker Carlson, that Lin Wood tried to keep him in jail. This particular claim is insanity as only the judge can decide how long someone is in prison, and only his lawyer can convince the judge of this…. and Lin Wood was not Kyle’s lawyer or his judge. None of this makes any sense…. except if you realise that the poor boy has had his brain poisoned by John Pierce and David Hancock. On this day Wendy Rogers also stands up for Lin claiming there is no way that Kyle’s claim is true. David Clements also repeats the obvious…. Lin Wood was neither Kyle’s attorney nor judge and therefore had no role in him being in jail.

On the 24th of November, another bombshell. Lin Wood publicly addresses Sidney for her silence on the matter, he also points to other issues regarding his name being used on complaints unethically, and the investigation into her organisation defund the …. and some multi-million dollar dispute with general Flynn. These are all bombshell claims…. Personally I respect Sidney and would be surprised if there is anything nefarious in her character…. but wow.

That concludes part one of our investigation into the great spilt in the 2020 truth movement. It seems obvious that Kyle Rittenhouse has been set up to voice easily disproven lies. However, Lin has been known to voice outrageous opinions and his attacks on Margaret Taylor Greene and Sidney Powell are unsettling. Whether all this is feigned to keep the deep state unbalanced, whether it is a deliberate attempt by the deep state to plant lies and divide the truth movement is hard to tell….

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