Gimlet Schneckenbohrer

2 years ago

Gimlets may be an old fashioned tool but you will be surprised how often you'll reach for them. They're always ready to go, no need to plug in or charge up. Twisted from a single piece of metal. A gimlet is a hand tool for drilling small holes, mainly in wood, without splitting. It was defined in Joseph Gwit's Architecture (1859) as "a piece of steel of a semi-cylindrical form, hollow on one side, having a cross handle at one end and a worm or screw at the other,The name "gimlet" comes from the Old French guinbelet, guimbelet, later guibelet, probably a diminutive of the Anglo-French "wimble", a variation of "guimble", from the Middle Low German wiemel, the Scandinavian wammie, to bore or twist. Modern French uses the term vrille, also the French for a tendril

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