VD 10-12 Pima County Hearing for the Election Integrity. Dec 13th 2021.

3 years ago

MAAP REAL TALK SHOW Proudly Broadcasting the Election Integrity Event.
All eyes are on Pima County, Arizona. Where election experts are looking into alleged voting discrepancies in the 2020 presidential election. Arizona State Senator. Sonny Borrelli (R), Rep. Mark Finchem Candidate for Secretary Of State, Rep Leo Biasiucci, Senator Kelly Townsend, Senator Wendy Rogers, Teresa Martinez, and subject matter experts will review evidence that sheds light on potential election fraud in Arizona.
MAAP REAL IN-REAL-TIME. Historical Hearing in Tucson Pima County.
Evidence being given on canvas in Pima county. According to Investigators, ballots were submitted by people who moved or never even lived at the address in question. Or wait there's more.... ballots received from addresses of airbnb's!!! This is WRONG and must be audited!
MAAP REAL TALK SHOW Copy Rights 2021
Producer George Nemeh
MAAP REAL Has covered many historical events and we are very proud to be part of such activities to save our US country. Deliver the truth.

FYI: Pima County Hearing for the election integrity. Dec 13th 2021.
On a personal level to be up and close with the heroes of our GOP AZ State Legislators yesterday all day from the house to the senate to the candidates to the voters n supporters to the police to the Rangers. It’s a privilege and at the same time honor to find myself literally in the middle of it to fix our voting freedom to make sure our election is free n transparent. Thanks to those who were uplifting my potential and always standing by me so I can deliver truth news worthy & testing my abilities to show my love for my country by helping any which way I can. Through you the elected officials MAAP Real is able to simulate vital information to our beloved citizens uninterrupted and being forthcoming to give us the information necessary even when it hurts. Humbled, George Nemeh
For the Pima County #ElectionIntegrity hearing yesterday Monday - The witness list did include subject matter experts in statistical analysis, real numbers analysis from returned ballots, electronic tabulation, & both digital canvassing and door knocking. Thank you in advance plz watch the live-streamed from Monday’s Hearing Dec 13th 2021, there are 12 videos uploaded now to the Rumble channel.

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