#NoPlanJoe Let's Go Brandon

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Not even 1 full year of the Faux Biden Administration , Resident Joe "Joke" Biden has thrown in the towel on the Pandemic . After running on how he had a plan to STOP THE VIRUS & it was Donald Trump fault why people died from the virus. Sadly some people voted for this Geriatric Pedophile Joe Biden thinking he was going to FIX the Scamdemic they created to use to INSTALL him.

1. In Alphabet Foolishness w/ these Liberal Teacher indoctrinating children they can change their gender at 5yrs old . Blue haired Teacher say pronouns are not too hard for 4 & 5 yr old

2. Nearly 100 Bilion stolen in Covid Relief Fund PPP and Unemployment insurance fraud

3. Biden today There is no federal solution but in 2020 I'm going to shut down the virus

4. Biden departs to Delaware beach house after telling governors there is no federal solution this gets resolved at the state level

5. Caller tricks Biden into saying Let’s Go Brandon

6.Jared Schmeck, The Guy Who Pranked Biden With "Let's Go Brandon

7. Woman politely asks a CVS pharmacist to pull a Moderna safety insert from package and Pharmacist is ashamed

8. The Depopulation Agenda explained been in the making for decades

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