TPV EP 06 - Honouring A Classmate

2 years ago

Welcome to The Peoples Voices. A show by the people for the people where conversations are not limited.

Recently TPV has received the sad news of their fellow Journalism classmate at Humber College who passed away last month. We are saddened and shocked by his death, as we did not know of him to have any struggles with his health. However, we do not know for sure, as we do not know what was happening behind closed doors with our friend.

Today we will honour Demetre James Politis. Reflecting on some memories and experiences with him. We will briefly discuss the aftermath of handling death. Demetre was on board as our fourth member of TPV and had intentions of committing to the show, upon us resuming school in September 2018, very soon had he not suddenly passed away. It was an honour to have met and worked with him.

Take a break, have a Kit-Kat and listen or watch our show. Do you have a story, topic or idea for our show? Contact Us! Want to be featured or know someone who should be featured on our show? Let us know! #thepeoplesvoices #tpv #tpvtoronto

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