Guerrilla News Network hosted by Sacha Stone - Dec 19th Part 2/3

3 years ago

Syndicating the GNN zoom recording with leading activists on the frontline from a diverse selection of cities around the world - giving their important updates OUTSIDE OF A CONTROLLED SOCIAL MEDIA! #FUKZUK
This Recording is from December 19th 2021.
Part 2 of 3.


Tom Barnett
Aussie Cossack
Clara Mikael
Scotty Sacks
Berni Reiter
Curtis Orwell
Jo Speaks Truth
Shehnaz Soni
David Sereda
Chief Charles
Curtis and many more...

We had 750+ participants on a historic Zoom call - purely grass-roots, word of mouth... attended by people from all over the world with updates on the status quo from leading activists and change makers. Let's continue to build on the momentum to make #fukzuk a household meme! Join us TODAY (5-7 pm EST/2-4 pm for my ground-breaking weekly ARISE! Guerilla News NetworkShow. ZOOM LINK is: - please share widely!

-Up to a 1000 people can enter the zoom room; everyone will be muted upon entry to avoid the background noise issues we experienced last week. You can request permission to unmute if called on to participate.

-You will be given the email address during the zoom to receive a download link for the recording and syndicate to your social media platforms! Last week the recordings were affected by so many people attempting to record so we have changed the approach so you all have a clean recording you can download locally and syndicate.

-We will release the recording after the event but - if you want to participate in the zoom room with me and my special guests - the
deal - in good faith - is that download the show from the link we send and syndicate the hell out of it! One thousand of us doing this once a week will be like aiming a thousand golden arrows of truth & remedy at Silicon Valley. Let’s do this thing!

Please participate in this novel experience only if you wish to break the social media stranglehold on Truth & Disclosure. This network will rely on frontline activists and concerned citizens to ignite a devastating grassroots movement to disrupt mainstream media lies & deceptions as well as social media censorship & shadow banning. Be the difference...let’s get the word out and help me help you help our world cut through the Luciferian deception masquerading as news media. It's time for humans to become sovereign - we have to save ourselves from this manufactured reality dreamspell!

Topic: Sacha Stone's ARISE! Guerrilla Network News

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