Planter Fasciitis Correctives part 2

3 years ago

Questions to ask yourself:
1. Foot mechanics. Flat feet, a high arch or even an abnormal pattern of walking can affect the way weight is distributed when you're standing and can put added stress on the plantar fascia
2. Have tight Achilles’ tendons, or “heel cords”?
3. Pain in the calf muscles? This usually comes from muscles that are too tight. If those muscles are tight, that contributes to additional stress on the plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis itself does not cause calf muscle pain.
4. Have an unusual walk or foot position?
5. Do you vary set to stand each day?
6. What kind of shoes do you wear? Are they worn-out shoes with thin soles?
7. Does icing to reduce inflammation help?
8. Can you touch your toes?
9. Have your tried anything over the counter to help reduce inflammation? How did you body respond to what you tried?
10. Have you tried stretches or strengthen excises? If so which ones?
11. Have I missed anything?
The following at-home remedies often are tried but, usually only offer short term relief because they are a bandage approach to the root cause. They may Include:
• Stretching your calf muscles, yoga stretch & massage feet.
• Even if you have normal arches instead of flat feet or high arches massaging your feet, gently stretching the feet.
• Wearing supportive, sturdy, well-cushioned shoes with arch supports.
• Using appropriate shoe inserts, arch supports, or custom-made foot orthotics.
• Using a night splint to reduce tightness in the calf muscle.
• Massaging the area.
• Putting ice on the area three to four times per day for 10 to 15 minutes.
• Limiting physical activity including prolonged standing.
• Taking over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®) or naproxen (Aleve®).
• Losing weight.
• Using crutches.

Please see videos links below for recommended specific exercise for the caves, Gluteus Medius, Thoracic Spine, and Tripod Feet to help increase flexibility and mobility.
How to correct Planter Fasciitis:
Video 1: Specific calf stretch exercise create gate timing issues
Video 2: How to strengthen weak Gluteus Medius to correct muscle imbalances
Video 3: Thoracic Spine exercises COMING SOON! Correctives for Plantar Fasciitis. Part 1 Correctives for Plantar Fasciitis Part 2

Tripod Foot Exercises in the Safety Zone
Do you use a tripod foot when you walk? A tripod foot is important to maintain your balance, coordination & control of your movement patterns such as squat, how you walk - gate, push, pull & lunge. For the health of your feet choose a shoe that fits your foot well for daily activities: walking, hiking & running.

Here are a videos on how you can exercise your feet. tripod foot positions Tripod Foot exercises - update

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