Lieber in Genetic Nanotech sandal, Mike Adams interview with Alex Jones

3 years ago

Mike Adams joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the story of Harvard scientist Dr. Charles Lieber who was convicted for transferring Genetic Nanotech to ChiComs .
Hang on, hear me out.
1) Why are they pushing vaccines so hard.
We know that the vaccine does not fight and kill the COVID virus, it trains the body to tolerate the virus and not react to it.

2) Why is this important that your body not react to the virus?
The Ultimate plan of the the Globalists and Deep State actors (GDSA)is to use viruses of the COVID variant type to infect humans.

3) Why do they want to infect humans with this virus?
Because they have developed methods using nano-technology and this virus to carry and deliver genetic payloads to people that get infected. If our bodies fight the virus, the genetic payloads will fail to infect us.

Bill Gates briefing to CIA in 2004 about delivering gene therapy using a repository virus to change the way people behave.
Original video courtesy Alex Jones
Convicted Harvard Scientist Paid by ChiComs Behind Genetic Nanotech in COVID Shots

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