CVS Pharmacist Admits He Should Not Be Giving the Covid Jab

2 years ago

A pharmacist has a shocking reaction after he opens a Moderna Covid-19 vaccine insert to discover it’s completely blank, in an incredible video circulating on social media. In the viral footage taken inside a CVS pharmacy, a pharmacist hands a customer the vaccine insert which he asserts contains complete testing and safety data.

After the customer informs the pharmacist the folded paper is completely blank, he tells her the information is located within and proceeds to unfold it for her. As he opens the document, however, the pharmacist instead discovers he’s unfolded a huge sheet of blank paper.

Embarrassed, the pharmacist springs toward a computer claiming he can find the information online, but by this point the jig is up. Upon being confronted by the customer about the lack of informed consent, the pharmacist admits he’s been lying to customers and owns up to the fact this entire Covid scare is a fraud.

“So, if we don’t know what we’re injecting into ourselves, I don’t understand how that’s informed consent,” the customer points out.

“You’re exactly right; you are correct. I should not be giving these vaccines at all,” the pharmacist agrees.

“Why are you giving them?” the customer presses.

“Because I am… because I am told to and that’s how… because I am told to and… I am told…,” the pharmacist stammers, adding, “And everything I have shown including the patients that I have given it to, it is safe.”

The footage concludes with the pharmacist apologizing and admitting he has no scientific studies on which to base his comments, adding he feels “totally inadequate as a pharmacist.”

Back in May, a similar incident was documented in another viral video featuring a pharmacist who unboxed a Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine — only to find the package insert was completely blank.

Clearly, vaccine manufacturers are not concerned with safety and efficacy data, or providing ingredient information to the public.

When will you realize this is 100% about the Globalists agenda to depopulate the world by 95%? First to get us under their control, and shortly after to kills us all! This is no exaggeration, the sooner you start researching it for yourself, the sooner you will learn this is precisely what is happening.

This will continue until YOU and much of the World figure it out and say NO MORE! Search "Agenda 21" & "Agenda 2030". Really research it- not just one article, search for 10-20 = search on Bitchute for many different videos on it, then follow more information you pick up along the way. Research all the people investing money into these Agendas and how many years this has been planned.


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The Covid Vaccine Kills, Covid is a Fraud, Agenda 2030, Depopulate the Planet,

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