Double Jabbed Asian Seizure then Death | No Help or Empathy from Others

2 years ago

People who have been double jabbed against COVID are dying from all sorts of causes at an unprecedented rate higher than the unvaccinated.

The hospitals are filling up with jabbed victims who are either maimed for life, suffering all types of neurological condition, heart attaches, blood clots, and deaths!

The only unvaxxed that die, is if they go into a hospital and are IMPROPERLY treated, which most hospitals and doctors do, they are making large sums to give the protocol that shuts down your vital organs and fills your lungs with fluid (intentionally) And they call if “Pneumonia” from the killer drugs (one is Remdesivir).

Then they slap a ventilator on you that finishes their goal of killing you, which then they make even more money!

When all the while, if you completely avoid the poisonous shot, and if you get sick, use the following homemade elixir, recommended by top physicians who are actually saving lives, not collecting large sums of money to kill you.

Natural Elixir:
Lemon & grapefruit rinds from 2-3 of each:

2 -3 Lemons Rinds (clean rinds w/soap & water 1st)

2-3 Grapefruit Rinds (clean rinds w/soap & water 1st)

About 1 Gallon of purified or distilled water
½ cup Honey (locally grown or organic)

Cut rinds off lemon & grapefruits (use all the white too- doesn’t hurt to get part of fruit too)

In big pot (metal or glass NOT aluminum) add rinds

Cover rinds with purified (or distilled) water to about 3” above the rinds

Simmer (not quite a boil) for 3 hours with a glass or metal lid (not aluminum).

Cool for a few hours

Strain rinds and pulp and pour juice into a glass gar, tall glass, or bowl.

I also squeeze all the juice from rinds (faster to stuff a lemon squeezer full of rinds)

I strain the juice twice to get to liquid only

Add ½ cup of honey – mix until meted

Shake each time before use.

Dosage, depending on how sick you feel.

Take 2 tablespoons, twice a day,

or if more sick, take 1 tablespoon every few hours.

It’s not going to hurt if you take more often, just DON’T drink a glass of it. (I know someone that took too much and got sick, but cured everything else).

Drink lots of purified or distilled water

Must take Zinc with it. Zinc allows it to enter your cells, where it interferes with viral replication, providing therapeutic benefit in viral and other infections.

Other vitamins: B, D, and C

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Covid 19 Vaccine, Covid Vaccine Effects, Covid Vaccine Deaths, Covid Vaxxed Deaths,

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