
2 years ago

An overcrowded ship with asylum seekers leaves Libya bound for Europe – triggering a high-stakes showdown between a Doctors Without Borders vessel wanting to escort it to safety and the Libyan Coast Guard fighting to turn it back. As the Libyans issue armed threats, tension grows below deck. With European countries' responsibilities toward refugees once again in the spotlight, here is an inside view of the desperate hope that is the deadly race for Europe.

Key credits:
Director/Cinematographer: Ed Ou
Editor/Story Producer: Will N. Miller
Executive Producers: Ian Urbina and Raphaela Morais
Music: William Ryan Fritch, The Outlaw Ocean Music Project and Soundstripe
Colour/Sound Mix: Will N.Miller
A film by The Outlaw Ocean Project, partially funded by the Pulitzer Centre
For The Guardian
Commissioning Editor, Seascape: Chris Michael
Executive Producers, Documentaries: Jess Gormley and Ekaterina Ochagavia
Head of Documentaries: Lindsay Poulton
A Guardian documentary

Uploaded on December 01, 2021


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