Jarome Bell interviewed by Chris Anders for WeThePeople2020andBeyond.com on October 13, 2021.

2 years ago

Join “We The People 2020 & Beyond” with our debut candidate interview with Chief Jarome Bell who is running for congress in Virginia’s 2nd District. We have asked Chris Anders from Virginia Constitutional Conservatives (https://virginiaconservatives.net) to host our first event.

Watch as we get up close and personal with Chief Bell on:

Taxation, Executive Orders, Internet Censorship, Election Integrity, School Boards, Immigration & Borders, Monetary Policies, Vaccine Mandates, The Dept. Of Education, The Right To Work, Constitutional Carry and The Right To Life.


Thank you for watching and check back for more interviews as the 2022 Midterm Elections get closer.

Release Date: Dec. 25, 2021.

We The People 2020 & Beyond


Recorded via https://ProVideoMeeting.com on October 13, 2021

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