The Borg of Heaven/The Bible Description of Heavens

2 years ago

The borg of heaven is undoubtedly one of the most interesting things I've ever come across in my life. And I believe it all to be true. "GOD" is a galactic obliteration device. Heaven is a horrifying place, and the bible says so. This is just the same as the accurate biblical angels. There's nothing good to speak about. You're not going to heaven, only 144,000 are going to heaven. - - There is a void in space that's one billion light-years across with no galaxies in it. Maybe GOD destroyed it. God is the galactic obliteration device. - - I would give a link to that website called "no beliefs" and it gives a detailed explanation on how the bible says that heaven is a BORG cube. But unfortunately the website is down. So here's a website from a satanist that gives another accurate depiction of what heaven really is

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