Shield Plus vs Hellcat vs P365 Comparison & Review | Best Concealed Carry Pistol

2 years ago

Shield Plus vs Hellcat vs P365, who is the best-concealed carry pistol? We take the Smith and Wesson Shield Plus, the Springfield Hellcat, and the Sig Sauer P365 and compare them side by side.

We start with the length and size comparison of the P365, Shield Plus, and Hellcat to show whose size is most desirable to be carried concealed. The Sig P365 is the smallest overall, but the Hellcat isn't much bigger. The Smith Shield Plus is the biggest, but it is still small enough to be comfortable. If small is the criteria, then the Sig Sauer P365 would win, but all of these guns are winners here.

We cover all of the specifications and magazines. The Shield, Hellcat, and P365 are pretty close when it comes to mag capacity and grip length as a result.

We look at the triggers to see whose is best, and the new Smith and Wesson Shield Plus has the best trigger. The Springfield hellcat is somewhere in the middle, and The Sig Sauer P365 has the softest trigger, but all of these guns' triggers are great when actually firing the gun.

Last we cover sights, the Sig Sauer P365 has smaller night sights, the Springfield Armory Hellcat has a "U" shaped sight in the rear with a fat yellow front sight that is a night sight. The Smith and Wesson Shield Plus has standard white sights. Our personal preference is the smaller night sights of the P365 as we feel you get the best bang for your buck. This is simply personal preference, as the Hellcat has really nice sights as well. The Shield Plus, we feel has pretty basic sights, but there are upgraded Shield Plus models that can be purchased.

So who wins the battle of the Shield Plus VS Hellcat VS P365? Watch and find out.

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