Dr. Peter Hotez warns of the unique risks of coronavirus vaccines (March 2020)

3 years ago

In this testimony, dr. Hotez warns of the well-known risk of "paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon": instead of a vaccine making the disease milder, it makes it worse. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) is one of the possible mechanisms of vaccine enhanced disease.

This problem was first seen in the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines in the 1960's, which led to the deaths of 2 children. He says "we don't entirely understand the basis of it, but we recognize it's a real problem for certain respiratory virus vaccines".

In corona virus vaccines, the problem was also seen in animal trials. Hotez says that they recognized that if you restrict the vaccine to the smallest unit called the Receptor Binding Domain (RBD), which is the part that connects to the ACE2 and CD147 receptors of the cells, you can get immunity without having the risk of enhanced disease.

There are least two crucial things that Hotez neglected to say:

First, at least one side effect of vaccinating with only a tiny subsection of a pathogen, is that now you get an incredibly 'narrow' vaccine. It may offer protection against one specific variant, but if the pathogen mutates just a tiny bit, the protection may decrease drastically.

Mass vaccination with narrow leaky vaccines in combination with fast mutating pathogens, especially under high infectious pressure, is guaranteed to lead to quick vaccine resistance, which is comparable to antibiotic resistance. This is exactly what we're seeing now: the jabs have a shelf life of at best a few months, and endless boosters are required every few weeks or months, with all associated costs and risks.

Second, the spike protein, of which the receptor binding domain is a subsection, seems to be the most toxic part of the virus. The genetic vaccines cause the body to produce a huge amount of these toxins at once, causing massive clotting and bleeding, auto-immune reactions and damage to nerves and blood vessels. The amount is way worse than what most people are exposed to when they encounter the regular infection, because in that case the immune system starts its defense at the mucosa (the periphery), preventing so many toxins from reaching the blood and tissues.

Hotez warns of over-enthusiasm about having a vaccine available quickly. To DEVELOP a vaccine at warp speed is one thing, but it's IMPOSSIBLE to adequately TEST it for safety and efficacy at warp speed. If you rush through the safety testing and proceed quickly to administering it on a large scale, you're taking a huge safety risk without even knowing if you'll get any benefit.

It's absolutely possible that a vaccine will have little to no efficacy and huge safety issues, many of which may not be known for a long time. When they finally are known, the damage may be irreversible.

Realize that you can never unvaccinate, just like you can't unscramble scrambled eggs. So think before you jab.

We are now also making the reckless and stupid decision to mass vaccinate young healthy people, who do not have any statistical risk from the disease, but do have enormous known and unknown risks from the jab. For them, vaccination is all risk and almost no benefit. Protecting others can also not be a valid reason for mass vaccination of the low risk group, because these vaccines are incapable of achieving such a goal.

Hotez pleads for more funding and earlier funding, so that they'll be prepared next time. However, the most important thing is that vaccines are UNNECESSARY if you use safe and effective universal prevention and treatment measures, such as adequate ventilation (all respiratory infections are transmitted mainly through badly ventilated, dry indoor air), optimal humidity, adequate vitamin D blood levels, early effective combination treatment, healthy diet and lifestyle, and voluntary focused protection of the high risk group.

There are a couple of huge problems with this approach: first, it puts dr. Hotez and others out of a job; second, it's not profitable for greedy pharmaceutical and other companies; third, it does not make the population scared and compliant so that others can push through their own agenda; fourth, it requires that the population exercise discipline with a healthier diet and lifestyle. This is too much trouble for many. They ant health to come out of pill or injection, which is not possible, but they'll eagerly believe any con artist who says that it is possible (for an attractive fee of course).

If all you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as nail. If all you have are vaccines, you tend to see vaccines as the solution to every problem. Perhaps vaccines ARE a possible solution to SOME problems, but they almost certainly are not the BEST solution.

SOURCE: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4873497/user-clip-hotez-coronavirus-vaccine-safety-testimony

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