Another short film

3 years ago

Another short film that presents the truth about the Holocaust that did not happen. The Holocaust is the biggest lie in our entire history, because it was the basis for the eradication of Palestine and the foundation of the anti-White (Aryan) especially anti-German guilt trip insanity of the present and past decades.

The Holocaust being the invention of the Jews, aimed to instill in the minds of the Germans the feeling of guilt for generations.

Also, this idea of ​​being guilty without doing something is found in all Abrahamic religions, especially Christianity and Islam. The making of the false Zionist state of Israel was accomplished through the sacrifice of tens of millions of Aryans people. The Jews have always followed the principle of divide et impera (divide and conquer). Many people woke up today and wants to find out the truth. The truth does not fear investigation!

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