The Two Messiahs

2 years ago

Prior to Jesus’ arrival on earth, God activated John the Baptist, who preached about the coming of Jesus, but it was Jesus that built His organization known as the Church. In contrast, the Antichrist needs a human organization in place prior to his arrival which will infiltrate every nation, secure the land of Israel, and prepare for a military takeover of the world.

Jesus paid for the sins of mankind, brings healing to our physical bodies, and will set up a 1,000 year kingdom on earth. Compare this with the Jewish messiah who will set up the Kingdom of Israel with the help of the Devil and rule the world from Jerusalem. He won’t atone for sin and will only provide benefits for Jews.

The messianic teaching found in Judaism is incompatible with Christianity because of its emphatic rejection of Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus was familiar with the doctrines of the Kabbalah and the Talmud and challenged the Jews over their heresies.

Most Christians don’t realize that the political State of Israel is a logical conclusion to fulfill the biblical prophecies concerning the Antichrist, and anyone who supports Israel as it exists today, and their future messiah, is betraying Jesus and what He stood for.
Sermon Outline

Part 3: The Two Messiahs
RLJ-1635 -- JANUARY 21, 2018

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