THE ARRIVAL OF THE ANTICHRIST Part 2: The Messianic Idea of Judaism

3 years ago

God has a Messiah and so does the Devil, and it is important to differentiate between the two. The Antichrist is not yet in power and we don't know his name, but the organization that will be responsible for putting him in power is visible and gaining momentum every day.

Satan wants to provide humanity with a counterfeit messiah which the Kabbalah identifies as the "holy serpent." Thus there are two movements among the children of Israel - one from God and another from the Devil. John the Baptist confronted the Kabbalistic leadership and Jesus likened them to the synagogue of Satan.

Thus the Kabbalah is in reality "Satan's bible." Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Mary is the Son of God and the real Messiah. He fulfilled every messianic prophecy, paid for our sins on the cross, and made it possible for humanity to be saved and have eternal life.

The Devil's messiah is not coming to pay for the sins of mankind, but to set up the Kingdom of Israel and make all Gentiles slave laborers to his system. The Kabbalistic leadership will only continue to increase its grip on the world and move us closer to the day when they finally introduce the Antichrist.
Sermon Outline

Part 2: The Messianic Idea of Judaism
RLJ-1634 -- JANUARY 14, 2018

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