Wide Is The Gate Vol. 2 Part 3 - The Emerging New Christianity - Roman Catholicism

2 years ago

Wide Is The Gate Vol. 2 Part 3 - The Emerging New Christianity - Roman Catholicism

In Volume 2 of a 3 Volume set, the topics for Volume 2 are:

(A) Fundamental Evangelicalism
(B) Youth Movements & The Social Gospel
(C) Roman Catholicism (This video)
(D) Reformed Theology
(E) Contemplative Mystical Movement

“Back in 1984 Caryl Matrisciana’s “Gods Of The New Age” spoke to heart in a way that changed my life. I have to say she has done it again with the “Wide Is The Gate” Series. Her investigative and cinematic skills compel one to examine where they actually stand on the basic foundations of the Christian Faith. What unfolds is this DVD is impossible to ignore or discount. It grabs you by the neck and says, “Wake Up Church!” ”

Ray Yungen, Researcher, Author

“There are a lot of teachers within Christianity, discerning Christians know not all speaking for the Church are of sound (Biblical) doctrine. I’m grateful to Caryl Matrisciana who is not just a filmmaker but also one of the best researchers I know. Many Christian leaders wouldn’t have the courage to present the inconvenient truths found in this DVD series. Caryl has counted the cost and is willing to present cutting-edge information.”

Jan Markell, Olive Tree Ministries

“Brilliantly produced, well researched…should be viewed by every Pastor. It lays bare today’s deceptive movements and popular trends leading an undiscerning Church away from Biblical Christianity into the ecumenical unity of the One World religion of the coming Anti-Christ. This series gives an urgent warning and calls for a return to the Faith once for all delivered to the Saints.”

Johanna Michaelsen, Author: The Beaut1ful Side of Evil

“Very few are sounding the alarm about the current state of the Church which is awash in what some call New Spirituality or Emerging Christianity. This DVD series takes the Biblical mandate to be Bereans and looks at the modern Church through Scriptural eyes. Then, it asks the necessary question: are these the days about which the Bible warns? Is this apostasy yet another sign that Jesus Christ will soon return for His faithful Church?”

Pastor Chris Quintana, Calvary Chapel of Cypress. California

This video comes from Wide Is The Gate: The Emerging New Christianity DVD Volumes 1, 2 & 3 which are available at: https://shop.wideisthegate.com/collections/latest-products

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