We're fighting the wrong virus 我們搞錯抗爭對象了:真正的病毒其實是…集體重塑

2 years ago

✏️ 探討議題:
1. 在什麼樣的社會條件下,人們會自願放棄他們的自由?What kind of society conditions let people to give up their freedom?

2. 你聽過“群體重塑”嗎?(mass formation, 社會改造,類似於中共的"文化大革命")have you heard mass formation?

3.”集體重塑”=“集體催眠”,極權主義興起的必要條件。Mass formation = Mass hypnosis , the factor of Totalitarianism

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
2:55 什麼都怪別人的負面思想 Blame is a toxic thinking
7:48 要是有個特定團體,特別討厭某一群人..? What if there is a special group who hate another certain group?
11:05 集體重塑之必要條件Mass Formation Factors Needed
14:08 集體重塑的結果Mass Formation Result
14:48 極權主義興起的風險Risk: Totalitarianism
20:05 心靈層面被毒害的影響Effects of mental intoxication
22:06 集體重塑就是在催眠人們Mass Formation hypnosis people
24:44 人們怎麼面對不同的聲音?How do people react to opposing voices?
32:42 誰比較容易受到影響?Who is more susceptible to this?
39:49 現在社會中有集體重塑的元素嗎?Are the risk factors present in society today?
1:08:20 重溫集體重塑將導致的結果Mass formation result
1:15:28 阿希從眾實驗Asch conformity experiment
1:21:06 合法不代表你是有道德的人Legal is not a guide to morality

#Taiwan #No_Idea #Podcast #沒想法

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